

Egyptian Museum of Cairo

Egyptian Museum of Cairo
المتحف المصري في القاهرة
Musée Egyptien du Caire

Egyptian Museum of Cairo

Egyptian Museum of Cairo
Collection Highlights
المتحف المصري في القاهرة
أبرز مجموعات
Musée Egyptien du Caire
Collections les Plus Importantes

thumbnail of Alabaster Canopic Chest from Tutankhamun's Tombthumbnail of Amenhotep son of Hapu as an Aged Manthumbnail of Beaded Net

thumbnail of Bicolor Granite Statue of Ramesses IIthumbnail of Bone Label from the Reign of Qaathumbnail of Bust of Tutankhamun
thumbnail of Canopic Jar from Tomb No. 55thumbnail of Canopic Shrine of Tutankhamunthumbnail of Cedar Chair from Tutankhamun's Tomb
thumbnail of Chair from Queen Hetepheres' Tombthumbnail of Collar from the Tomb of Princess Nefereruptahthumbnail of Colossal Head of Queen Hatshepsut
thumbnail of Colossal Statue of Akhenatenthumbnail of Colossal Statue of Amenophis III and his Wife Tithumbnail of Detail from the Limestone Sarcophagus of Queen Ashit
thumbnail of Ducks in a Marshthumbnail of Falcon Pendant from Tutankhamun's Tombthumbnail of Falcon's Head
thumbnail of False Door of Nikaurethumbnail of Figure Making Beerthumbnail of Figure of a Jackal
thumbnail of Figure of Tutankhamunthumbnail of Funerary Mask of Thuyathumbnail of Funerary Mask of Yuya
thumbnail of Geesethumbnail of Giant Statue of Akhenatenthumbnail of Gold Cobra
thumbnail of Gold Funerary Mask of Tutankhamunthumbnail of Gold Mummy Mask of Wendjebauendjedthumbnail of Gold Pendant with the Eye of Horus
thumbnail of Golden Diadem of Tutankhamunthumbnail of Head of a Hippopotamusthumbnail of Head of a Princess
thumbnail of Head of Akhenatenthumbnail of Head of Queen Hatshepsut as a Pharaohthumbnail of Head of Queen Tiy
thumbnail of Head of Userkafthumbnail of Headrest of Quathumbnail of Human Headed Bird from Tutankhamun's Coffin
thumbnail of Innermost Coffin of Tutankhamunthumbnail of Ivory Figure of Khufuthumbnail of Ivory Headrest from Tutankhamun's Tomb
thumbnail of Ivory Spoon in the Form of a Fishthumbnail of Jewel Box from Tutankhamun's Tombthumbnail of Jubilee Vase
thumbnail of Label of Ahathumbnail of Late Period Coffinthumbnail of Limestone Block Showing a Woman's Face
thumbnail of Limestone Statue of Amenhotepthumbnail of Mentuemhet thumbnail of Narmer's Tablet
thumbnail of Offering Table of Quathumbnail of Offering Tablet of Teti Ankh Kemthumbnail of Painted Chest from Tomb of Tutankhamen
thumbnail of Pectoral of Tutankhamunthumbnail of Pendantthumbnail of People, Boats, and Animals
thumbnail of Prosthetic Toethumbnail of Pyramidion of Amenemhat IIIthumbnail of Pyramidion of Khonsu-Hori
thumbnail of Queen Hatshepsut as a Sphinxthumbnail of Relief of the Sky Goddess Nutthumbnail of Reserve Heads
thumbnail of Royal Family as Holy Familythumbnail of Sandstone Statue of Neb-rethumbnail of Scarab Pendant
thumbnail of Schist Palette showing Solar Animalsthumbnail of Sculptor's Study showing Akhenatenthumbnail of Seated Scribe
thumbnail of Seated Statue of a Scribethumbnail of Senmut and Neferurethumbnail of Shrine with Akhenaten
thumbnail of Silver Vase from Tutankhamun's Tombthumbnail of Small Statue of Akhenatenthumbnail of Solar Scarab Pendant from Tutankhamun's Tomb
thumbnail of Solar Scarab Pendant from Tutankhamun's Tombthumbnail of Sphinxthumbnail of Sphinx of King Djedefre's Wife
thumbnail of Statue of a Maid Servantthumbnail of Statue of a Manthumbnail of Statue of a Middle Kingdom Man
thumbnail of Statue of Amenemipet and his Wifethumbnail of Statue of Amenhotepthumbnail of Statue of Djoser
thumbnail of Statue of Hetepdiefthumbnail of Statue of Hor-Awibrathumbnail of Statue of Ka-aper
thumbnail of Statue of Kaythumbnail of Statue of Khafrethumbnail of Statue of Khasekhem
thumbnail of Statue of Menkaure with Hathorthumbnail of Statue of Mentuhotepthumbnail of Statue of Meryre
thumbnail of Statue of Neferefrethumbnail of Statue of Nofretthumbnail of Statue of Pepi I
thumbnail of Statue of Pepi Ithumbnail of Statue of Rahotepthumbnail of Statue of Ramesses II with Horus
thumbnail of Statue of Sekhmetthumbnail of Statue of Seneb with his Familythumbnail of Statue of Sesostris I
thumbnail of Statue of Seti Ithumbnail of Statue of Snefruthumbnail of Statue of Taweret
thumbnail of Statue of the wife of Sheik el Beledthumbnail of Statue of Tithumbnail of Statue of Tutankhamun
thumbnail of Statue of Tuthmosis IIIthumbnail of Stela of Djed-Bastet-Iuf-Ankhthumbnail of Stela of Nectanebo I
thumbnail of Stela of Snefruthumbnail of Study of a Princess Eating Duckthumbnail of Throne of Tutankhamun
thumbnail of Tutankhamun as a Childthumbnail of Tuthmosis IV and his Mother Tithumbnail of Two Cubit Measuring Rods
thumbnail of Unfinished Head of Nefertitithumbnail of Ungent Vesselthumbnail of Votive Table with Cartouches of Pharaoh Snefru
thumbnail of Wooden Box Veneered with Ivorythumbnail of Wooden Chest from Antechamber of Tutankhamun's Tomb

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